And they will call him du-fa king
And they will call him du-fa king
lol what xD? hahaha how did the elder scrolls end up there hahaha :P
hope you enjoyed the tune and thanks for listening ^^
// Rec0il
If you made this as a loop to play for someones haunted house, then you did a good job
I didn't but if someone decides to do so, by all means. I'm glad you like it.
if you use reason 5.......follow this and the song will be super! hCAL4&feature=related
Send him the link does not work but thanks again esque had no classes and you see that my song was a school project haha
how do you guys make all these video game type Leads/bass/music?
what program are you using?
I use fruity loops, and it comes with some preset samples that you can tweak to fit what you need. there's some really good square and leads in there. :)
I love the beat! the rest is a little rough for me though :P
Yeah, the rest of it was me experimenting with a genre I have no experience with, and virtually no knowledge of. I think I failed. I might have to try again sometime though, because I like the rhythms that Drum & Bass has.
excelent! I think you are ready to teach me! what program do you use?
Reason 5 on PC. Not the strongest DAW for electronic music, but I've grown attached.
its ok....the bounciness if godlike though!
Thanks :)
what program are you using? i would like to see some of those syths melting in my tracks ^_^
I am using FL Studio 10 DEMO. =)
i really like your ambient ness and whatever you added at 2:00
reverb is cool isnt it?
Joined on 6/12/12